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Vibroacoustic Therapy

What is vibroacoustic therapy?

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive approach to reducing pain and anxiety and improving quality of life. VAT uses sound to produce vibrations that are applied directly to the body.


Primary Characteristics of VAT:

  • Deep tissue low-frequency sound massage using audio waves in the range of 30Hz-120Hz to stimulate muscle healing and relaxation.

  • Therapeutic music induces vibro-tactile input to stimulate the nervous system leading to relaxation and enhanced blood flow.


  • Decreases generalized pain

  • Improves circulation and reduce blood pressure

  • Stimulates lymphatic flow

  • Promotes sensory awareness

  • Reduces nausea, fatigue, depression, headache, and anxiety.

  • Calms and soothes restless behavior

  • Promotes serenity 

Treatment Session Information

What to Expect

During the vibroacoustic therapy process, a client lies on the specially designed mat that is embedded with speakers or transducers which transmit sound into vibrations that travel through the body. You may undress to your level of comfort or just remove your shoes.  Cover with a sheet or blanket and enjoy your session. Each Session is 30 minutes in length. 


Example of VAT set-up. 

Scientific Research 

Elizabeth A. Hoge, Eric Bui, Mihriye Mete, Mary Ann Dutton, Amanda W. Baker, Naomi M. Simon. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction vs Escitalopram for the Treatment of Adults With Anxiety Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry, 2022; DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.3679


Low-frequency Vibratory Sound induces neurite outgrowth in PC-12m3 cells in which nerve growth factor-induced neurite outgrowth is impaired. Yoshihisa KOIKE, Soutarou IWAMOTO, Yuko KIMATA, Tsutomu NOHNO, Fukumi HIRAGAMI, Kenji KAWAMURA, Keizo NUMATA, Hiroyasu MURAI, Kyota OKISIMA, Miyuki IWATA and Yoshio KANO. Tiss. Cult. Res. Commun. 23:81-90 (2004)


King, Lauren K., Almeida, Quincy J., Ahonen, H. (2009) Short term effects of vibration therapy on motor impairments in Parkinson's disease. Neuro Rehabilitation, Vol. 25, No. 4. (2009), pp. 297-306.


Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy Improves Pain Management and More â–  Chris Boyd-Brewer, MA, FAMI â–  Ruth McCaffrey, ARNP, ND. Holist Nurs Pract 2004;18(3):111–118

Restful Intentions

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